How To Bring Hygge Into The Home This Winter

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How To Bring Hygge Into The Home This Winter

Photo by Stella Rose on Unsplash

With record breaking snow storms hitting a large portion of the United States this year, it’s hard to deny how “in” winter we are right now. Those shorter days, icy nights, and cloudy skies can take a toll on the psyche. That is, unless you’re embracing the winter lifestyle of the Danes and Norwegians. Yes, most of us have heard of “hygge” by now, but what exactly is it, and how can you bring the hygge lifestyle into your home? We’ve got the answers for you so you can make it to spring feeling refreshed with a little hygge help.

Let’s start with what it means to be “hygge”. The term, pronounced “hoo-ga”, is a Danish and Norwegian word that encapsulates a mood of feeling cozy and content. Practicing a hygge lifestyle romanticizes and celebrates the winter months as quality time spent with oneself and loved ones. It encourages gratitude, simplistic joys, and indulging in comfort. What better way to get through a frigid winter than celebrating coziness?? So how can you introduce a more hygge lifestyle to your household? Let’s dive in.

Light A Fire

If you have a fireplace, light it up. Not only will the ambiance of a warm firelight put the mind more at ease, the warmth from the fire itself will keep you feeling cozy all winter long. It’s the epitome of a picturesque winter night indoors. No fireplace? Light candles around the room for that soft glow and an ambiance to match.

Add Layers

Chunky sweaters are back in, friends, and that may in part be thanks to the sweeping popularity of the hygge lifestyle. Swap out those tight jeans for leggings or sweats, and layer up with a sweater, scarf, thick socks, and/or a warm throw blanket. Add extra pillows on your couch or bed for maximum comfort.

Cozy Up With A Warm Drink

Whether you prefer hot cocoa, hot tea, or hot toddies, pour yourself a steaming cup of coziness as you curl up in those blankets by the fire. Warm that soul from the inside out as you treat yourself to an indulgent beverage. Hygge is all about treating yourself, so there’s no shame in adding a little dessert to the side of that mug too.

Reduce The Noise

No, we don’t expect you to sit in silence as you stare at your candles all night, but consider small ways you can reduce the noise of modern day living. Can you put your phone down in the other room for an hour or two? Can you swap aimless TV binging for a quality reading hour? Can you change out the social media “doomscrolling” for a puzzle, board game, drawing time, or that craft project you’ve been wanting to dive into? There are so many ways to unplug. Consider how you can do so in bite-sized chunks to introduce maintainable habits that you’ll want to keep up.

Enjoy Quality Time With Loved Ones

While it’s important to indulge in some occasional alone time, hygge is all about spending valued time with the people you hold dear. Go on a bundled-up winter walk with a neighbor, share a home-cooked meal with your family, or pull out the guitar and have a music session with a friend or two. Whatever you do, allow for conversation and merriment with loved ones.

A hygge lifestyle allows time to pause, check in with ourselves, reflect on what’s good in our lives, and enjoy simple pleasures as we live more in the moment. Soon enough, the snow will melt, the sun will shine, and the flowers will bloom once again. Until then, stay cozy.

